为了解我军平时心理创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的患病率及其相关因素,从而为制订防治对策提供依据,作者采用系统-整群抽样对我军的21198人进行了流行学调查,其中男20 710人,女488人;陆军14252人,海军1379人,空军2037人,学员3530人。结果:PTSD 总患病率为4.86‰,其中陆、海、空军和学员的 PTSD 患病率分别为4.84‰、5.80‰、8.84‰和2.27‰。PTSD 应激源以军事训练和突发应激性生活事件所致的创伤居多。艾森克个性问卷和症状自评量表测查结果显示:PTSD 患者较健康对照者有明显的情绪不稳定和显著的抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等负性情绪。这提示 PTSD 是我军平时较常见的精神障碍,进一步研究和制定防治对策对提高部队战斗力具有重要作用。
To understand the prevalence of PTSD and its related factors in our army, and to provide a basis for the development of prevention and treatment measures, the author conducted an epidemiological survey of 21,198 people in our army using the system-cluster sampling, Of these, 20 710 were male and 488 were female; Army 14252, Navy 1379, Air Force 2037, and 3530 participants. Results: The overall prevalence of PTSD was 4.86 ‰. The prevalence of PTSD in land, sea, air force and trainees was 4.84 ‰, 5.80 ‰, 8.84 ‰ and 2.27 ‰, respectively. PTSD stressors are mostly traumatic due to military training and sudden stressful life events. Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire and Symptom Checklist 90 showed that patients with PTSD had significant emotional instability and significant negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and horror as compared with healthy controls. This suggests that PTSD is a more common mental disorder in our army. Further research and formulation of prevention and control measures play an important role in enhancing the combat effectiveness of the army.