鱼复口吸虫病又称双穴吸虫病,它对鱼类危害极大:此病原体寄生在鱼眼内而使鱼瞎眼——当尾蚴侵入鱼体后,便进入血管或中枢神经内,渐渐迁移至水晶体内发育成为后囊蚴而使鱼眼水晶体混浊,轻则引起白内障,重则会引起鱼瞎眼或水晶体脱落。 鱼类感染鱼复口吸虫病后,在水
Fish fuktaciformes, also known as two-point fluke disease, which is extremely harmful to fish: the pathogen parasites in fish eyes and make the fish blind - when cercariae invade the fish, they enter the blood vessels or central nervous system, and gradually migrate To the crystal body to become posterior capsule larvae and fisheye crystal opacity, ranging from light cataracts, weight will cause fish blind or crystal body shedding. Fish infected with fish after clonthiasis in water