Smooth muscle cell tumor, also known as epithelioid leiomyoma seen in the digestive tract, rare in female genital mutilation. Luan × × patients, female, 48 years old, married, January 12, 81 admission. Ten years ago found in the lower abdomen large goose egg mass, activity, began to increase rapidly six months ago, and with acupuncture-like pain, vaginal bleeding half a month ago. Gynecological examination, normal vulva, vaginal bloody discharge, mild cervical erosion, non-contact bleeding. Palace of uniformity increased, such as neonatal head, solid, slightly soft, slightly limited activity, the left side of the palatal cord-like thickening, shortening, flexible, right normal, no attachment on both sides of the anomaly. Clinical diagnosis of uterine fibroids malignant change. Open on January 19 and found that the body like neonatal big head, spherical, solid, qualitative