1 种子形状 紫苜蓿种子肾脏形或宽椭圆形,两侧扁、不平、有角棱,正视腹面对两侧呈波浪状,种子稍弯曲或扭曲;白花草木樨种子倒卵形成肾状椭圆形,在宽端有时多少呈截形,一侧扁平,另一侧圆,黄花草木樨种子倒卵状椭圆形,常一倒扁平,另一侧稍圆。2 种子大小 紫苜蓿种子长约2~3毫米,
1 seed shape alfalfa seeds kidney-shaped or broad oval, flat on both sides, uneven, angular, looking ventral on both sides of the wavy, slightly curved or twisted seeds; white mulberry seeds obovate kidney-oval-shaped, The width is sometimes more or less truncated, flat on one side, round the other side, yellow mulberry seeds obovate oval, often flattened down the other side of a little round. 2 seed size purple alfalfa seeds about 2 to 3 mm,