Silicon is a nutrient necessary for the growth of diatoms that absorb dissolved silicon, mainly in the form of silicic acid (H4SiO4), from the body of water during growth. The diatom δ30Sidiatom can reflect the change of the proportion of diatom absorbing silicic acid, which can further reflect the climate and environmental changes in the lake. To explore the potentiality of δ30Sidiatom, a diatom lacustrine sediment, in indicating the paleoenvironment of the lake, we measured the diatomite isotopic composition of diatom in Lake Maar Lake sediments. The results show that the δ30Sidiatom variation of sediments is significantly similar to the changes of biosilica and organic carbon content, which can be used as an effective paleo-environmental proxy index. At the same time, the comparison with the existing temperature records shows that the two are in good agreement. The higher 30Sidiatom indicates that diatoms have a higher utilization of silicic acid in higher temperature climates; when 30Sidiatom is low, diatom accounts for the lower utilization of silicic acid in lower temperature climates . At present, there are few available temperature substitution indicators in the paleoclimatic reconstruction of tropical terrestrial regions. This study proves that δ30Sidiatom is a promising paleo-environmental proxy indicator and is expected to play an important role in palaeoclimate reconstruction in low latitudes. Worth further study.