根据数据显示,我国网民已经超过2.98亿,普及率却不高,仅为22. 6%,刚刚超过全球的平均水平。而宽带网民达到2.7亿,达到所有网民数的96%。手机网民达到1.176亿,较07年增长了133%。而网络的新闻用户达到了2.34亿,数字惊人。2008年6月17日,CNNIC公布的研究报告表明,到2007年12月底,我国网络视频网民数已达到1.6亿,其中电影电视剧占到86.3%。
According to statistics, the number of netizens in China has exceeded 298 million, but the penetration rate is not high at only 22.6%, just above the global average. Broadband Internet users reached 270 million, reaching 96% of all Internet users. Mobile Internet users reached 117.6 million, an increase of 133% over 2007. The news network users reached 234 million, an alarming number. On June 17, 2008, a CNNIC research report showed that by the end of December 2007, the number of online video users in China had reached 160 million, of which 86.3% were film and television programs.