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通过“国家在过渡时期的总路钱和总任务”的学习,使我明确了工作方向,加强了工作的信心。我深深的体会到,我是一个光荣的社会主义建设者,我有责任把儿童培养成为社会主义社会的主人。在这新的历史时代里,培养祖国的后一代,是一个很艰巨的任务?为了使他们将来能够胜任建设社会主义祉会的任务,我们必须遵循文教方针,提高教学质量。因而我们自己就必须加强学习,才能充分认识祖国的美好前途,更好地做好工作。儿童是国冢的保贵财产,人类的花朵。斯大林告诉我们:“经心在意的去培养人,要和园丁培养他所心爱的果树一样。”(叶·冈教育学)由此足见教育工作的重要意义。我们必须耐心地教育儿童,帮助他们树立正确的学习观点,对他们的生活 Through the study of “All the Money and General Tasks of the State in the Transitional Period”, I have made clear the direction of my work and strengthened my confidence in my work. I deeply understand that I am a glorious socialist builder and that I have the responsibility to cultivate children as the masters of a socialist society. In this new historical era, it is an arduous task to cultivate the motherland’s generation after generation. In order to enable them to be qualified for the task of building a socialist society in the future, we must follow the principle of culture and education and improve the quality of teaching. Therefore, we ourselves must strengthen our studies so that we can fully understand the bright future of our motherland and do a better job. Children are guarantors of the national mound, human flowers. Stalin told us, “Carefully cultivating people is like cultivating the gardeners’ beloved fruit trees.” (Ye Okanaga) This shows the importance of education. We must patiently educate children and help them to establish a correct learning perspective on their lives
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