向资源要效益 让热区结硕果——军弄乡“资源换资金、存量变增量”的实践

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AIM: To determine the fasting plasma carnitine ester in patients with celiac disease.METHODS: We determined the fasting plasma carnitine ester profile using ESI
农民收入增速趋缓成为当前农村工作中的一个突出问题。如何解决这个问题?云县县委、政府从本县实际出发, 积极调整农村工作思路, 实行 “一调两推四突破”, 为农民增收开辟新渠道
AIM: To transfect mutant C-kit cDNA at codon 579 into human embryonic kidney cell line to observe its role in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor