去年夏秋之交,一个细雨豢濛的下午。老勐乡三台坡下寨车老四在行进的途中不小心,其打着的雨伞碰断了1.7千瓦小型水电站电灯线,当即倒在地上。“电触人啦——快救人哪……”在附近的和平村公所民兵连一排一班战士刁贵林听到呼救声飞快地跑到现场,见一时无法找到干木棍和总闸刀,心里只有一个念头“救活难友”。他奋不顾身地用双手猛力一拉,电线从车老四身上脱了,倒在地上的车老四得救了。同时,全部电流直往刁贵林身上输。“有危险,快放开!”在场的车进林碱道。“快把他背去抢救,不要管我”,刁贵林挣扎着说。 假如老天不是下雨,假如旁边有
At the turn of summer and autumn last year, a rainy afternoon. Lao Meng Township, three down the Walled Car IV on the way in the careless, the name of the umbrella hit a small 1.7-kilowatt hydropower station light line, immediately fell to the ground. “Electric contact friends - save the person ... ...” In the nearby peace village office Militia even with a row of soldiers fanggui Lin heard a cry for help ran to the scene quickly, see temporarily unable to find a dry stick and the total knife, There is only one thought in my heart, “Save a Friend”. He desperately with both hands violently pull, the wire from the car four off the body, fell on the ground the car the fourth was saved. At the same time, all the current direct to Diao Guilin who lost. “Dangerous, let's go!” “Quickly put him back to rescue, do not mind me,” Diaigui Lin struggling to say. If God is not raining, if there is next to it