一、问题的提出 新疆的两大盆地——塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地及其他一些山间盆地是干旱的,而新疆的山区阿勒泰、天山、昆仑山则是比较湿润的。在盆地上的农田都是依靠着发源于山区的地表迳流及从而转化的地下水进行灌溉。如果没有比较湿润的山区,在干旱的盆地进行农业生产是不可想像的。但是,在山区里多种水源汇集成为地表迳流的过程,则完全由自然因素作主宰,是不尽符合农业生产需要的。譬如重要依靠冰川和永久积雪补给的河流,在四、五月间严重缺水,而在六至八月的汛期里又有大量的水出山后流失在戈壁、沙漠。另外,还有大量的水储积在冰碛湖和沼泽里流不下山来。这就需要
I. PROBLEM PROBLEMS The two major basins in Xinjiang - the Tarim Basin, the Junggar Basin and some other mountain basins are arid, while the mountainous regions of Altay, Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains in Xinjiang are relatively humid. Farmland in the basin relies on surface flow from mountainous areas and the conversion of groundwater to irrigation. Without wet mountain areas, agricultural production in arid basins is unthinkable. However, the process of bringing together a variety of water sources in the mountain areas into surface inflows is completely dominated by natural factors and is not always in line with the needs of agricultural production. For example, rivers relying heavily on glaciers and permanent snow replenishment suffered from serious water shortages in April and May, and a large amount of water left in the Gobi Desert during the flood season in June-August. In addition, a large amount of water is accumulated in the moraine lake and swamp. This is needed