1990年匈牙利社会制度改变后,社会主义的意识形态和价值观被抛弃了,社会主义经济被强行转轨,经济结构和产品结构大幅度调整,造成工农业生产连年下降,国民生产总值连续四年下降累计达22%,预算赤字占国民生产总值的7%以上,通货膨胀和失业率居高不下,广大人民生活水平下降,社会发展困难重重。 同国民经济各部门一样,匈科技事业受到的冲击和损害也是相当严重的。到1993年,匈牙利的科研经费由1981年的占国民生产总值的3.65%降到
After the Hungarian social system was changed in 1990, the socialist ideology and values were abandoned. The socialist economy was forcibly transformed and the economic structure and product mix were drastically adjusted. As a result, the industrial and agricultural production dropped year after year and the gross national product declined for four consecutive years A total of 22%, a budget deficit of more than 7% of the GNP, high inflation and unemployment, a generalized decline in the standard of living of the general public, and difficulties in social development. Like all branches of the national economy, the impact and damage to the Hungarian science and technology industry are also quite serious. By 1993, research funding for Hungary had dropped from 3.65% of GNP in 1981