为探讨山丘型光壳钉螺能否向沅江水系扩散 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年 3- 1 0月对汇入沅江的 3条有螺水系进行了螺情调查及现场观察 ,现报告如下。1 试区概况桃源县 1 996年新发现山丘型血吸虫病流行区 ,光壳钉螺沿南北干渠循水系扩散至 5个乡 (镇 ) 48个村 [1] ,有螺面积 1 32 3.4hm2
In order to explore whether the hill-shaped snail can diffuse into the Yuanjiang River system, we conducted a snail survey and field observations on the three snail lines imported into the Yuanjiang River from 2010 to 2010 and are reported as follows. 1 Overview of the pilot area In 1994, a new type of endemic area of schistosomiasis was discovered in Tuoyuan County. The light-shelled snail spread to 48 villages [5] in 5 townships (towns) along the north-south trunk channel [1], with a snail area of 1 32 3.4hm2