作为一种经济组织 ,经济中介机构在降低市场经济活动交易成本的同时也会产生代理成本。我国经济中介业发展历史短 ,存在无序竞争和规范化程度低等问题 ,由此产生的代理成本严重影响了对经济中介服务的市场需求 ,制约了经济中介业的发展。本文从分析经济中介组织的代理成本入手 ,指出推动经济中介业快速发展必须通过准入标准、建立信用评价体系和加大惩罚力度 ,从而有效降低经济中介的代理成本。
As an economic organization, economic intermediary agencies also generate agency costs while reducing the transaction costs of market economy activities. China’s economic intermediary industry has a short history of development, disorderly competition and low standardization. The resulting agency costs have seriously affected the market demand for economic intermediary services and restricted the development of economic intermediary industry. Starting from the analysis of agency costs of economic intermediary organizations, this paper points out that to promote the rapid development of economic intermediary industry, we must pass the admission criteria, establish a credit rating system and increase penalties so as to effectively reduce agency costs of economic intermediaries.