目的了解攀枝花市社区居民的营养保健知识及营养状态,为指导其建立科学、营养、健康的膳食模式提供依据。方法抽样对攀枝花市33个社区220名居民进行营养保健知识及营养状态问卷调查,统计分析采用SPSS 13.0进行。结果社区居民营养知识平均得分为(32.14±6.04),BMI平均为(22.08±3.33);不同职业居民知识得分:干部、专业技术人员、其它人员明显高于工人、商业服务人员和离退休人员;BMI:离退休人员、专业技术人员、干部高于工人、商业服务人员和其它人员;女性知识得分高于男性,而BMI则是女性低于男性;不同年龄间知识得分差异无统计学意义,而BMI有随年龄增加而增高的趋势;文化程度越高,知识得分越高,而BMI差异无统计学意义;影响居民营养知识得分的主要因素有文化程度、年龄和是否患慢病,影响居民BMI的主要因素有年龄和是否患慢病。结论社区居民的膳食营养知识还很欠缺,很有必要尽早对他们普及营养知识,进行膳食指导和干预。
Objective To understand the nutrition and health knowledge and nutritional status of community residents in Panzhihua City and provide the basis for guiding their establishment of a scientific, nutritious and healthy dietary pattern. Methods Sampling Questionnaire about nutrition and health knowledge and nutritional status of 220 residents in 33 communities in Panzhihua City were collected and analyzed by SPSS 13.0. Results The average score of nutrition knowledge of community residents was (32.14 ± 6.04) and the average of BMI was (22.08 ± 3.33). The knowledge scores of different occupational residents were significantly higher than those of workers, commercial servants and retirees; BMI: retired staff, professional and technical personnel, cadres than workers, commercial service personnel and other personnel; women’s knowledge score is higher than men’s, while BMI is less than men’s women; knowledge scores between different ages was not statistically significant, and BMI increased with age; the higher the education level, the higher the knowledge score, while the BMI had no statistical significance. The main factors influencing residents ’nutrition knowledge score were education level, age and whether they were suffering from chronic diseases, which affected residents’ BMI The main factors are age and whether you are suffering from chronic disease. Conclusion The knowledge of dietary nutrition of community residents is still lacking. It is very necessary to popularize nutritional knowledge and dietary guidance and intervention for them as soon as possible.