菝 葜 for the lily family plants 根 葜 rhizome, also known as diamond, diamond root, diamond, pear, diamond tree and so on.菝 葜 Climbing shrubs, rhizomes away, irregular bending, hypertrophy hard, sparse fibrous roots. Stems hard, high 1 ~ 3m, have inverted or flat sparse stab. Leaves alternate, leathery, round and even wide oval, length 5 ~ 7cm, width 2.5 ~ 5cm, along the lower part of the petiole on both sides of the tendrils 2. Flowers unisexual, dioecious; umbels, axillary; bracts ovate-lanceolate; perianth lobes 6,2 round, oblong, yellowish green; male flowers about 6 mm in diameter, stamens 6, filaments short, 4mm, medicine yellow; female flowers smaller; diameter of about 3mm, staminodes into filaments, ovary superior, long