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Through thorough argumentation of experts, it is decided to furtheroptimize and adjust the “Nest” design plan: 10,000 tons of steel consumptionwill reduced from original 55,000 tons and the removable ceiling will becancelled. In this way 250 million RMB of direct investment can be savedand the security of architectural structure will be greatly strengthened. Atthe same time, the plan optimization for other stadiums is also under way.National Swimming Center has made it clear to reduce a construction areaof 7800 m2, which surpasses the approved scale, and thus reduce investmentof 90 million RMB. After design adjustment, the original plan for thecommercial facilities area above Wukesong Basketball Stadium was cancelled,and the construction area was reduced from 117,000 m2 to 65,000 m2. Through thorough argumentation of experts, it is decided to further optimize and adjust the “Nest” design plan: 10,000 tons of steel consumption reduced by 55000 tons and the removable ceiling will becancelled. In this way 250 million RMB of direct investment can be saved and the security of architectural structure will be greatly strengthened. At the same time, the plan optimization for other stadiums is also under under. National Swimming Center has made it clear to reduce a construction area of ​​7800 m2, which surpasses the approved scale, and thus reduce After design adjustment, the original plan for thecommercial facilities above above Wukesong Basketball Stadium was canceled, and the construction area was reduced from 117,000 m2 to 65,000 m2.
□ 长春建工集团再次跻身中国企业500强。□ 自2001年末以来,长春建工集团一年一个新台阶,集团主要经济指标不断创出历史新高。去年,所有的经济指标,均比两年前增长30%以上,
为进一步加强党的执政能力建设,全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程, 确保党始终站在时代前列,更好地肩负起历史使命,中央决定,从2005年1 月开始,用一年半左右的时间,在全党开展以