有学者指出 ,布依族神话的主体是创世神话 ,其中也包括一定的文化创造部分。布依族神话有以下几个特征 :(一 )神无定说 ;(二 )神话成分多含地域文化因素 ;(三 )神话以一神故事为主 ,相互间一般没有支配、所属关系 ;(四 )神话内容基本稳定。关于布依族神话中的人物 ,这位学者指
Some scholars pointed out that the main body of Buyi’s myth is a creation myth, which also includes some of the cultural creation. There are several characteristics of Buyi’s myths: (1) God has no definite sayings; (2) Most of the mythological elements contain regional cultural factors; (3) Myths are mainly Gods and stories and do not dominate each other; Mythical content is basically stable. About the characters in Buyi’s mythology, the scholar said