在安徽省涡阳县,有个个体汽车修理厂——黄埔小汽车修配厂,它以精湛的技术,优质的服务与合理的价格,赢得用户一片赞誉,闻名远近。这个厂的厂长就是黄埔十七期同学丁佩玺。同许多人一样,丁佩玺在人生道路上历经沧桑,但这也磨练出他坚强的意志和性格。随着我国改革开放的深入发展,丁佩玺决心在晚年再干一番事业,以实现自己当年投考军校时就立下的报效祖国的抱负。 1986年,凭着敏锐的洞察力,他瞄准了汽车维修这个当时在涡阳尚不多见的行当,动员全家节衣缩食,送两个外孙到南京拜师学艺。三年过去,两个外孙带着过硬的技术回来。他跑厂地、筹资金,办起一个“小汽车维修站”。
In Guoyang County, Anhui Province, there is an individual automobile repair shop - Huangpu Automobile Repair Factory. It has won praises from users with its superb technology, high-quality service and reasonable prices. The director of this factory is Ding Peixi, a 17th class student of Huangpu. Like many people, Ding Peiyi has experienced many vicissitudes in his life, but this also sharpens his strong will and character. With the in-depth development of China’s reform and opening up, Ding Peiyi is determined to do another business in his later years in order to realize his ambition to serve the motherland when he applied for the military academy. In 1986, with keen insight, he aimed at vehicle maintenance, which was not a common sight in Guoyang at that time, mobilized the family to save food, and sent two grandchildren to Nanjing to study and learn. Three years later, two grandchildren came back with hard skills. He ran the factory, raised funds, and set up a “car repair station.”