我国地域辽阔,幅员广大,土壤、气候和牧草的适应性差异较大。因此宜选用不同的种植模式进行优质牧草的种植: 1、水旱轮作地区:适宜秋播冷季型越年生牧草或牧草绿肥兼用品种,变稻——麦为稻——草,可选种多花黑麦草、冬牧70黑麦、紫云英、苕子、箭舌豌豆等;也可采用饲料作物与牧草轮作,或牧草与牧草轮作,春播宜选用饲用玉米、杂交狼尾草、美洲狼尾草、苏丹草、苦买菜、籽粒苋等;秋播宜选用多花黑麦草、冬牧70黑麦、饲用包菜、胡萝卜、甘兰等;亦可种植多年生类牧草。
China has a vast territory and vast territory, and its adaptability to soil, climate and pasture is quite different. Therefore, we should choose different planting modes for the cultivation of high-quality forage grass: a. Crop rotation and water supply area: suitable for autumn-sown cold-season perennial grass or forage green manure variety, variable rice-wheat as rice-grass, optional species Ryegrass, winter grazing 70 rye, aspartame, razor clam, tongue tongue pea, etc .; can also be used for forage crops and pasture rotation, or pasture and pasture rotation, spring sowing should use fodder corn, hybrid Pennisetum, the Americas Pennisetum, Sudan grass, bitter grocery shopping, grain amaranth, etc .; autumn broadcast should choose ryegrass, winter grazing 70 rye, feed cabbage, carrot, cabbage, etc .; also be planted perennial herbage.