Effect of Marangoni Number on Thermocapillary Convection and Free-Surface Deformation in Liquid Brid

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mqz614005
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Floating zone technique is a crucible-free process for growth of high quality single crystals. Unstable thermocapillary convection is a typical phenomenon during the process under microgravity. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the instability of thermocapillary convection in liquid bridges with deformable free-surface under microgravity. In this works, the Volume of Fluid(VOF) method is employed to track the free-surface movement. The results are presented as the behavior of flow structure and temperature distribution of the molten zone. The impact of Marangoni number(Ma) is also investigated on free-surface deformation as well as the instability of thermocapillary convection. The free-surface exhibits a noticeable axisymmetric(but it is non-centrosymmetric) and elliptical shape along the circumferential direction. This specific surface shape presents a typical narrow ‘neck-shaped’ structure with convex at two ends of the zone and concave at the mid-plane along the axial direction. At both θ = 0° and θ = 90°, the deformation ratio ξ increases rapidly with Ma at first, and then increases slowly. Moreover, the hydrothermal wave number m and the instability of thermocapillary convection increase with Ma. Floating zone technique is a crucible-free process for growth of high quality single crystals. Unstable thermocapillary convection is a typical phenomenon during the process under microgravity. Thus, it is very important to investigate the instability of thermocapillary convection in liquid bridges with deformable free- In this works, the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is employed to track the free-surface movement. The results are presented as the behavior of flow structure and temperature distribution of the molten zone. The impact of Marangoni number ( Ma) is also investigated on free-surface deformation as thermocapillary convection. The free-surface exhibits a noticeable axisymmetric (but it is non-centrosymmetric) and elliptical shape along the circumferential direction. This specific surface shape presents a typical narrow ’neck-shaped’ structure with convex at two ends of the zone and concave at the mid-plane along the axia The deformation ratio ξ increases rapidly with Ma at first, and then increases slowly. Furthermore, the hydrothermal wave number m and the instability of thermocapillary convection increase with Ma.
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