胃肠道多发性息肉症(Polyposis,以下简称息肉症)系指消化道多发性带蒂或无蒂息肉的一组疾病,以累及结肠和直肠为多见,其中部分有明显的遗传倾向。BuSSey 等及宇都宫等提出遗传性胃肠道息肉症可分为4种:①家族性结肠息肉症(Familial polyposis coli)又称家族性结肠腺瘤病、结肠息肉综合征或遗传性腺瘤病等,Gardner 综合征或 Turcot 综合征可能是其异型;②多发性腺瘤病(Multiple adeno-
Polyposis (polyposis) refers to a group of diseases with multiple pedunculated or sessile polyps in the digestive tract. It is common to involve the colon and rectum, and some of them have obvious genetic tendencies. BuSSey et al. and Utsunomiya et al. proposed that genetic gastrointestinal polyposis can be divided into four types: 1 Familial polyposis coli, also known as familial colon adenoma, colon polyposis or hereditary adenoma, etc. , Gardner syndrome or Turcot syndrome may be its atypical; 2 Multiple adeno-