北京有个大名鼎鼎的京西园艺有限公司,该公司的总经理沈广义被誉为“京西花王”,他是石景山区园林局的一名民兵连长。 沈广义自幼痴迷花卉。他勤奋好学,苦心钻研,在花卉养植、盆景设计、花卉嫁接、品种开发上一钻就是20年。功夫不负有心人,1990年北京亚运会场馆花卉展览中,他荣获花卉园艺一绝的称号,1992年被评为全国花卉能手,1997年获香港回归花卉展评一等奖。 1999年,他辞去石景山园林局玉泉路花圃经理的工作后,“下海”成立了由百余名民兵和下岗职工组成的京西园艺有限公司。
Beijing has a famous Beijing West Horticulture Co., Ltd., the company’s general manager Shen Guangyi known as “King West Kao,” he is Shijingshan District Bureau of Parks militia commander. Shen Guangyi obsessed with flowers since childhood. His studious, painstaking research, cultivation of flowers, bonsai design, flower grafting, variety development on a diamond is 20 years. Kung Fu pays off, in 1990 Beijing Asian Games venue flower exhibition, he won the title of flower gardening must, in 1992 was named the national flower experts, 1997 Hong Kong returned flower exhibition evaluation award. In 1999, after resigning from the manager of the Yuquan Road flower garden manager of Shijingshan Garden Bureau, “Xiahai” set up Jingxi Horticulture Co., Ltd. consisting of over one hundred militia and laid-off workers.