大跃进以来,在测量汇水面积时,感到仪器不够分配。现介绍两种不用仪器测量小汇水面积的方法如下: 一、用花杆皮尺测量汇水面积用具:花杆三支,皮尺一盘,小旗若干支。测量方法: 1.先在公路上,找出分水岭处的百米桩位置,而求出A、B点之间的距离(图1); 2.在汇水面积的弯折处各插小旗一支(如图1中之1,2,3,4,5等点); 3.在A点立一花杆,然后在AI方向线上距A点5米插一花杆C,在AB方向上距A点5米处亦插一花杆d; 4.量cd之距离,即得<1AB的度数。 5.同法测得<2AB,<3AB,<4AB,<5AB,的度数。 6.同法在B点竖立花杆,同在A点一样测法而测得
Since the Great Leap Forward, there was not enough equipment to measure the catchment area. Here are two ways to measure small catchment area without instruments as follows: First, measure the catchment area with a flower stem tape measure: three flower stems, a tape measure and a number of branches. Measurement methods: 1. First on the road, find the location of the watershed meters pile, and find the distance between points A and B (Figure 1); 2. In the catchment area of the bend at the plug flags One (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. points in Figure 1); 3. In the A point legislation a flower bar, and then in the AI direction from the A point 5 meters plug a flower bar C, AB Direction A point 5 meters away from the pole is also inserted a flower d; 4. The amount of cd distance, that was <1AB degree. 5. With the law measured <2AB, <3AB, <4AB, <5AB, the degree. 6. The same method at the B point erected flower pole, measured at the same point A and measured