火电建设中,锅炉等电力设备的制造安装,要经历多工种、多工序精心施工才能完成。其中焊接在其生产安装过程中,对工程质量起到关键作用。由于受到焊工的操作技能和心理素质、施焊设备性能稳定性、母材和焊接材料、焊接及热处理工艺以及施焊环境等诸多因素的影响,焊接接头可能产生裂纹、夹渣、气孔、未焊透等焊接缺陷,这些缺陷可能导致结构的破坏,威胁着电力设备的使用寿命和机组安全。因此,必须对影响焊接质量的因素实施全过程控制。 1 焊接质量控制的一般要求 1)合同、图纸、国家及行业标准、焊接技术文件是焊接质量控制的依据。 2)电站施工单位必须建立焊接质量保证体系,
Thermal power construction, the manufacture and installation of electrical equipment such as boilers, to go through multiple types of work, multiple processes carefully constructed to complete. Which welding in its production and installation process, the quality of the project plays a key role. Due to the operation skills and psychological qualities of welders, the stability of performance of welding equipment, the influence of base metal and welding materials, welding and heat treatment process and welding environment, etc., the welded joints may produce cracks, slag inclusions, pores and unwelded Through such defects as welding, these defects may lead to the destruction of the structure, threatening the service life of the power equipment and the safety of the unit. Therefore, the factors that affect the quality of welding must be implemented throughout the process control. A welding quality control of the general requirements 1) the contract, drawings, national and industry standards, welding technical documents is the basis for welding quality control. 2) The construction unit of the power station must establish the welding quality assurance system,