目的 了解社区女性性工作者 (CFSWs)性病艾滋病 (STD/AIDS)知识知晓情况和AIDS相关的行为状况 ,探讨针对CFSWs的宣传干预方法。方法 2 0 0 2年 5~ 6月 ,对广东某市 2个镇娱乐场所和妇教所的CFSWs进行问卷调查。结果 共调查 12 1名CFSWs,AIDS传播途径知识的总知晓率为 5 3 9% ,AIDS预防知识的总知晓率为 5 4 0 %。性行为时安全套使用率较低 ,每次都用的占 5 1 1% ,从来不用的占 13 8%。 5 8%的CFSWs有吸毒史。结论 CFSWs对AIDS知识知晓率仍然偏低 ,高危性行为仍较普遍 ,应加强对此人群的STD/AIDS的知识宣传和行为干预 ,推广安全性行为理念 ,防止HIV在此人群的流行并通过她们向一般人群的蔓延。
Objective To understand the knowledge of STD / AIDS and the behavior of AIDS related to community female sex workers (CFSWs), and discuss the intervention methods of publicity for CFSWs. Methods From May to June 2002, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the CFSWs of two towns’ entertainment venues and women’s education centers in a certain city of Guangdong. Results A total of 121 CFSWs were surveyed. The total awareness rate of AIDS transmission route was 53.9%. The total awareness rate of AIDS prevention was 54.0%. Condom use during sexual activity was low, accounting for 51.1% of all sex and 13.8% of those never used it. 58% of CFSWs have a history of drug abuse. Conclusion CFSWs awareness of AIDS knowledge is still low, high-risk behaviors are still common, knowledge of STD / AIDS should be strengthened and behavioral interventions should be strengthened to promote the concept of safe sex behavior, to prevent HIV in this population and through them Spread to the general population.