一、TBT TBT(Technical Barriers to Trade)是技术性贸易壁垒的英文缩写。关贸总协定自1947年诞生以来,经过多轮的关税减让谈判, 由此关税和配额对贸易的制约作用已逐渐开始让步于由国家间对商品管理的法律、法规、标准、认证程序等方面客观存在的差异而形成的无形贸易障碍和壁垒.这种壁垒称之为贸易技术壁垒。TBT是非关税壁垒的重要组成部分,它已经成为在WTO体制下推行贸易保护的最有效的方法之一。
First, TBT TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) is the abbreviation of technical barriers to trade. Since its establishment in 1947, the GATT has undergone several rounds of negotiation on tariff concessions, whereby the restrictive effect of tariffs and quotas on trade has gradually begun to give way to laws, regulations, standards, certification procedures, etc. that govern the management of commodities among nations Aspects of the objective existence of the formation of the invisible barriers to trade and barriers .This barrier is called trade barriers. TBT is an important part of non-tariff barriers. It has become one of the most effective ways to promote trade protection under the WTO system.