美国EPA已建议对拜耳开发的5种以新杀菌剂活性成分fluopyram(氟吡菌酰胺)为基质的产品给予登记。此种活性成分是2009年第一次被推出的,现正被开发用于70多种作物。这5种杀菌剂产品是:(1)Luna Privilege(fluopyram 500克/升);(2)Luna Sensation
The U.S. EPA has recommended registration of five products developed by Bayer that are based on fluopyram (fluopyram) as a new fungicide. The active ingredient was first introduced in 2009 and is being developed for more than 70 crops. The five fungicide products are: (1) Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500 g / l); (2) Luna Sensation