黄山松喜光,具深根性,耐寒冷、瘠薄,抗干旱。又因它长期在山巅峭壁之间,受强风劲吹和紫外线照射,枝条平整、优雅多姿。它是我国最早选用的盆景树种之一。但黄山松的移植栽培比较困难,成活甚少。我处在移栽和管理方面经过摸索,取得了一些经验,现介绍如下,供参考。 1.树苗的选择:要选顶芽饱满挺直,势形美观,树龄在十年以下的松树苗;挖掘时要尽量做到带好宿土,保护好根系。
Huangshan Song hi light, deep root, cold, barren, drought-resistant. Because of its long-term cliffs in the mountains between the strong wind blowing and ultraviolet radiation, branches smooth, elegant and colorful. It is one of the earliest bonsai tree species in our country. But Huangshan pine transplanting is more difficult to survive. I have been in the transplanting and management after exploration, made some experience, are presented below, for reference. 1. Selection of saplings: Top buds should be selected full and upright, potential-shaped appearance, age less than 10 years of pine seedlings; excavation should try to do with good places to protect the roots.