相传清朝光绪年间,成都有一曾姓老中药师,年逾九旬仍童颜黑发,精力过人,制作膏丹丸散还能亲自操作,人们尊称他为“曾药王”曾药王不但善于中药的炮制,更擅长做药膳绝活。当时,有一绸缎商年逾五旬,仍膝下无子,头发全都愁白了。因其父辈是曾药王好友,遂求医于他。药王通过望闻问切四诊,知道非妻妾不孕,乃商人患有阳瘘、早泄之病,于是教他作龙马童子鸡常吃。半年后少奶奶就怀孕了,后来生下一子。 龙马童子鸡是怎样配制的呢?
According to legend, during the Guangxu period in the Qing Dynasty, there was an old and traditional Chinese medicine teacher in Chengdu who was older than ninety years old and still had a fair share of black hair. Good at Chinese medicine concoction, but also good at doing medicinal skills. At that time, there was a silk business year over Pentecost, still no child under the knee, hair all melancholy. Because of his father was a medicine buddy, then seek medical attention to him. Yao Wang Wen Wang Wen asked four clinics to know that non-concubine infertility, but merchants suffering from Yang fistula, premature ejaculation disease, so he taught him to eat Longma Tongzi chicken. Six months later, young girl was pregnant, and later gave birth to a child. Longma boy chicken is how to formulate it?