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针对国内外高温励磁绕组存在的缺陷与不足,提出了一种新型的迷宫形励磁绕组结构,首先通过电火花线切割制造出单层迷宫形线圈,并在线圈匝间和层间充分均匀地填充耐高温绝缘材料;然后通过真空钎焊工艺实现多层迷宫形线圈的牢固焊接,最后将焊接成型的多层线圈封装成迷宫形绕组,并应用于单自由度高温磁悬浮轴承试验台中,实现了550℃被悬浮物体近20h的稳定悬浮.研究结果表明:线圈焊缝的高温电阻值小,抗剪切强度满足要求,焊缝的金相组织致密均匀;绕组匝间和层间绝缘性能良好;迷宫形励磁绕组在原理和工艺上是可行的.对高温悬浮试验后的迷宫形绕组内部形貌进行观察后发现封装线圈的高温绝缘材料存在一定的缺陷,有待进一步研究. Aiming at the defects and deficiencies of high-temperature excitation windings at home and abroad, a new type of labyrinth excitation winding structure is proposed. First, a single-layer labyrinth coil is manufactured by WEDM and filled uniformly between turns and layers High temperature insulation materials; and then through the vacuum brazing process to achieve multi-layer labyrinth-shaped coil firmly welded, and finally welded multi-layer coil encapsulated into labyrinth-shaped windings and applied to a single degree of freedom high temperature magnetic bearing test bench to achieve a 550 ℃ was stable suspended for nearly 20h by the suspended objects.The results show that the high temperature resistance of the coil weld is small and the shear strength meets the requirements, the microstructure of the weld is dense and uniform, the interlaminar and interlaminar insulation of the winding is good, The excitation winding is feasible in principle and process.After observing the internal morphology of the labyrinth winding after the high temperature suspension test, it is found that the high temperature insulating material of the package coil has some defects and needs further study.
省十一届人大常委会任期的5年,注定会作为一个重要的历史时期,在浙江地方立法史册上谱写下一段光辉的篇章。  这5年,是浙江经济社会加快转型发展的5年,是中国特色社会主义法律体系形成和不断完善的5年,也是浙江地方立法在新的起点上不断探索创新发展的5年。  5年来,省人大常委会共审议通过省法规和法规性决定55件,批准杭州、宁波、景宁报批法规、单行条例67件。这些法规内容涵盖了全省经济、政治、文化、社会和