《疑案精解》今后将陆续在该栏目中刊登一些疑难案情,欢迎大家踊跃投稿参与讨论,就案情发表自己的观点、看法(无需写分歧意见,更不必点评),我们将从中选取具有代表性或观点新颖、法理分析透彻的读者意见予以刊登。最后,我们会邀请权威专家、学者对读者意见进行综合评析。当然,也希望大家将在工作生活中遇到的疑难案例提供给我们。稿件可发往《中国检察官》的邮箱:[email protected],并注明《疑案精解》收。字数在1000-2000字。
We will publish some difficult cases in this section one after another in the future. We are all ready to submit contributions for discussion. We will express our views and opinions on the merits (without disagreeing opinions, not to mention comments) and we will select representative ones Or new ideas, jurisprudence analysis of readers comments to be published. Finally, we will invite authoritative experts and scholars to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the views of readers. Of course, I also hope that everyone will encounter difficult cases encountered in their work life to us. Manuscripts may be sent to “China Prosecutor” E-mail: [email protected], and indicate the “mystery solution” income. Words in the 1000-2000 words.