The annual“Majie Storytellers’ Gathering”held in Yangzhuang Town,Baofeng County,HenanProvince, claims a unique niche in the history ofChina’s cultural development.On the 15~(th)day ofthe first month of the Chinese lunar year,folkstorytellers and balladeers from across the countrygather here to demonstrate what they do best.The entire performance site stretches for a lengthof 4 kilometers,bringing in audiences of morethan 100,000.Local farmers say there are three versionsabout the origin of this grand get-together.Some
The annual “Majie Storytellers’ Gathering” held in Yangzhuang Town, Baofeng County, Henan Province, claims a unique niche in the history ofChina’s cultural development. On the first of the month of the Chinese lunar year, folkstorytellers and balladeers from across the countrygather here to demonstrate what they do best. The entire performance site stretches for a length of 4 kilometers, bringing in audiences of morethan 100,000.Local farmers say there are three versionsabout the origin of this grand get-together.Some