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曾任全国第八、九届政协委员、中国作家协会第四届书记处书记、第五届副主席,现任中国作家协会名誉副主席的邓友梅,是全国极富影响力的著名作家。1945年他14岁就从山东平原老家参加革命工作,先后在八路军、新四军里当过通讯员和文工团员。15岁上他开始发表作品。著有《邓友梅自 Former Eighth, Ninth CPPCC National Committee members, secretary of the fourth secretary of the Chinese Writers Association, the fifth vice chairman, now the vice president of the Chinese Writers Association Deng Youmei, is the country’s influential famous writer. In 1945 he was 14 years old from the Shandong plain home to participate in the revolutionary work, successively in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army had served as correspondent and staff member. He started publishing at the age of 15. With "Deng Youmei since
结直肠癌肝转移是一个多步骤、多基因参与的复杂过程,其具体的细胞和分子机制仍不清楚。为此,本文总结近年来国内外相关文献,综述结直肠癌肝转移机制及其进展。 Colorectal