在人们的印象中,潜器都是体形笨大,离不开母船怀抱的家伙,一般也是科研和工业部门才用得起。随着人们生活水平的提高,美国霍克斯海洋技术公司在2003年专门为个人推出了名为“飞行员”的观光潜器。该潜器外形酷似美国空军的A10攻击机,采用双座驾驶舱设计,在续航力、速度、安全、视界、机动性和舒适性上比传统潜器具有很大优势,形象地说, “飞行员”潜器与传统潜器相比,就像飞机与热气球相提并论。
In people’s minds, the submersibles are all bulky and inseparable from the arms of the mother ship, and are generally affordable to the scientific research and industrial sectors. With the improvement of people’s living standards, the United States Hawkes Marine Technology Company launched a special tourist device named “Pilot” for individuals in 2003. The aircraft’s shape resembles the US Air Force’s A10 attack aircraft. It adopts a two-seat cockpit design and has a significant advantage over conventional submersibles in terms of endurance, speed, safety, visibility, mobility, and comfort. In vivid terms, the “pilot” Compared with the traditional submersibles, submersibles are just like airplanes and hot air balloons.