【摘 要】
The ventricular late potential (VLP) is a low-frequency, high-frequency potential that appears at the end of ventricular depolarization and is significantly associated with reentrant arrhythmias (VA), especially ventricular fibrillation. In this paper, 1857 subjects were tested, and the results of clinical analysis, the report is as follows. Materials and methods First, the object: male 1125 cases, female 732 cases. Aged 24 to 89 years old, with an average of 58.3 years old. There were 857 cardiovascular patients including 394 cases of coronary heart disease angina pectoris, 75 cases of myocardial infarction (MI), 3 cases of rheumatic heart disease, 26 cases of rheumatic heart disease, 26 cases of pulmonary heart disease,
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天气渐渐变冷了,活动少了,可胃口却大开,厚厚的冬装掩盖了脂肪的堆积。等待春暖花开,准备SHOw一下漂亮春装时,才惊呼:“怎么长了这么多肉肉?”STOP!快快停止“猫冬”的恶习,一起来燃脂大行动,把脂肪通通赶走。 在雪上轻舞飞扬 张艳,25岁,广告公司职员 瘦身成果:一个冬天减重2公斤 我是一个不爱动的人,尤其是冬天又很怕冷,更是缩在有暖气的房间里不爱出去。为了减肥我一天只吃一顿饭,整个人的
[本刊讯]2019 中国设备管理大会 9 月 4 日至 5日在江苏南京市召开.本次大会由中国设备管理协会、国际维修联合会主办,中国设备管理协会专家服务中心、学府咨询集团、顺益体