洋务现代化的发展战略有两个特点 :一是在政府推动下 ,建立比较完善的军事工业体系 ;二是依靠“进口替代”和“出口替代”(加工出口 )相结合的办法发展民用工业 ,作为军事工业的有效补充。洋务运动从军事开始 ,这是某种规律性的表现 ,符合发展中国家回应西方侵略的逻辑过程 ,然而由于其不合生产要素的比较优势原理 ,不合发展替代进口型产品需要技术引进 ,需要大力发展出口导向型产品换取外汇的原则 ,因此虽努力奋斗几十年 ,终无大的成效
There are two characteristics of the strategy for the modernization of the Westernization Movement: one is to establish a comparatively perfect military industrial system under the promotion of the government; the other is to develop the civilian industry by means of a combination of “import substitution” and “export substitution” (processing export) Effective supplement to military industry. Since the beginning of the Westernization Movement, the Westernization Movement has shown some regularity in line with the logic of developing countries’ response to Western aggression. However, due to the principle of comparative advantage in substituting elements of production and the non-development of import-oriented products, the introduction of technology needs to be vigorously developed Export-oriented products in exchange for the principle of foreign exchange, so although struggled for decades, eventually no big effect