当患者出现结肠炎症状时 ,尽早明确诊断对于合理治疗相当重要。在一项对临床、微生物、实验室、组织学和内镜各项检查进行前瞻性研究发现 ,有5 2 %~ 5 8%首次发作的结肠炎患者不能立即作出诊断而是经过随访诊断为炎症性肠病 (IBD)。克罗恩病 (CD)及溃疡性结肠炎 (UC)的鉴别需
When patients develop symptoms of colitis, it is important to have a clear diagnosis as soon as possible for proper treatment. In a prospective study of various clinical, microbiological, laboratory, histological, and endoscopic findings, 52 2% to 58% of first-episode colitis patients were not diagnosed immediately but were subsequently diagnosed as having inflammation Enteropathy (IBD). Identification of Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC)