《外交部关于收回威海卫租借地案报告》是一份反映北洋政府为收回威海卫租借地与英国进行交涉的重要史料。威海卫于 1 898年 7月为英国租借 ,租借期 2 5年 ,至 1 92 3年期满。北洋政府先后在 1 91 9年的巴黎和会和 1 92 1年召开的华盛顿会议上要求归还。 1 92 1年 1 2月 3日 ,
The Foreign Ministry’s Report on the Recovery of Weixin Wei Leasing and Borrowing Cases is an important historical document that reflects the negotiation between the Beiyang government and the United Kingdom for the recovery of Weihai leases. Weihai Wei was leased in the United Kingdom in July 1898, with a lease term of 25 years until the expiration of 1923. The Beiyang government demanded repatriation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1991 and Washington in 1921. 1 92 1 year 1 2 3 February,