Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station Phase II project includes non-overflow dam right bank section, flood dam section, plant dam section, dam plant, ship lift and other buildings, concrete construction volume of 9.4 million m ~ 3, the peak monthly pouring strength of 386,700 m ~ 3, with a large amount of construction, tight schedule, high construction intensity. Among them, the second-stage dam adopts three tower machines and three translating cable machines as the main pouring facilities, supplemented by some portal tower machines, and the tower crane and cable machine are interspersed with large space interferences and the construction equipment layout is complicated. Affected by flood season and water storage nodes, the intensity of first-line dam concrete construction peaked continuously for more than 10 months, and the construction was difficult. Combined with the characteristics of the second phase project of Xiangjiaba, the heavy and difficult points of concrete construction are optimized and the construction design framework of the second-phase concrete project is put forward.