People always hope that the semiconductor devices produced by high quality, good reliability. In order to achieve these goals, the gate oxide breakdown strength and threshold voltage repeatedly controllable is a basic prerequisite. It has been found that alkali ions are the main cause of surface potential instabilities. Therefore, it is particularly important to remove such movable ions during the fabrication of high breakdown voltage silicon dioxide insulators. It has been found that in the thermal oxidation process, Into a few percent HCl gas will be able to effectively absorb such alkali ions. Further research work is to heat the silicon dioxide in a few percent of the mixture of HCl and O 2 after the initial growth of the oxide layer. This process is called a two-step HCl process. It has been found that the breakdown electric field of a thin oxide layer of a 20,000 square mil capacitor using a two-step HCl gate oxidation process has increased by fifty-six percent over a standard one-step gate oxidation process. Decreasing the density of defects on large area capacitors will result in a significant improvement in the fabrication process for very large scale integrated circuits.