编者按:我国加入世界贸易组织后,企业面临着愈来愈激烈的竞争,其中一个重要方面就是我国企业具有自主知识产权的产品和技术相对较少,而大量中小型企业自主科研开发能力又严重不足。 大专院校和科研单位集聚了大量的科技开发人员,每年所产生的科研成果难以计数。如果这些大量的科研成果能转化为现时生产力,将对我国整体经济实力的提升和广大企业提高市场竞争力产生不可估量的影响和作用。为此,本刊将在 “新技术 新工艺 新装置”栏目中开设 “科研成果汇萃”分栏,希望能在科研单位和相关企业间搭建一座友好而方便的桥梁。
Editor’s Note: After China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, enterprises are facing more and more intense competition. One of the important aspects is that Chinese enterprises have relatively few products and technologies with independent intellectual property rights, while a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have serious independent scientific research and development capabilities insufficient. Universities and research institutes gather a large number of scientific and technological development personnel, and the scientific research results produced each year are difficult to count. If these large amounts of scientific research can be transformed into present-day productivity, it will have an immeasurable impact on the overall economic strength of our country and the enhancement of the market competitiveness of the vast number of enterprises. To this end, the magazine will be in the “new technology and new technology and new installations” section to open “scientific research achievements” column, hoping to build a friendly and convenient bridge between research institutes and related enterprises.