“一年四季在于春”。春天,当我们挥竿到肥质水域去钓鱼时,往往钓效要好于夏秋季,且能钓到大鲫鱼。这是因为此时食物链的浮游生物、藻类等繁殖速度还不快,水域中含氧量相对要高些。但也并不是伸竿得鱼,必须合理把握水情、鱼情、饵料和钓组等诸多要素,方能真正做到有的放矢。 1.出钓天气与钓场选位。因肥水质浅水较其他水域升温要快些,藻类、菌类等大量繁殖,所以连续晴日后的春天照样有缺氧的兆头(早春时要好得多),而晴天的水透
“Spring all year round.” In spring, when we swing to fertile waters to go fishing, fishing is often better than summer and autumn, and can catch big carp. This is because at this time the food chain plankton, algae and other reproductive rate is not fast, the oxygen content in the waters is relatively higher. However, it does not mean that we should work hard to achieve the goal. We must properly grasp the many elements of water regime, fish culture, bait and fishing tackle so that we can really achieve the goal. 1. Fishing weather and fishing field selected position. Because of the shallow water of the fertilizer, the temperature in the shallow water is faster than that in other waters, and the algae and fungi multiply in large quantities. Therefore, there is an indication of lack of oxygen in spring after continuous sunny day (much better in early spring)