模糊理论(Fuzzy Logic)是在美国加州大学伯克利分校电气工程系的扎德(L.A.Zadeh)教授于1965年创立的模糊集合理论的数学基础上发展起来的,主要包括模糊集合理论、模糊逻辑、模糊推理和模糊控制等方面的内容。他将人类认知过程中(主要为思考与推理)的不确定性,以数学模式来表示。扎德(L.A.Zadeh)教授在1965年发表了著名的论文,文中首次提出表达事物模糊性的重要概念:隶属函数,从而突破了19世纪末笛卡尔的经典集合理论,奠定模糊理论的基础。此后,模糊理论在自然科学和社会科学领域得到迅速应用和发展。早在20世纪20年代,著名的哲学家和数学家B.Russell就发表了有关“含糊性”的论文。他认为所有的自然语言均是模糊的,比如“红的”和“老的”等概念没有明确的内涵和外延,因而是不明确的和模糊的。可是,在特定的环境中,人们用这些概念来描述某个具体对象时却又能心领神会,很少引起误解和歧义。模糊理论认为,模糊性是客观世界的一种基本属性,它具有概括性、不定性和相对性等特征。自然语言的模糊性是由客观世界的模糊性和人类思维的模糊性决定的。而幽默语言的模糊性也同样体现在这两方面。
著名语言学家Dan Sperber和Deirdre Wilson在他们的著作《关联性:交际与认知》一书中提出了语用学的著名理论:关联理论。这一理论把语言交际看作是一个明示—推理过程。任何语言在不同场合使用,由于语境等因素的不同,很可能会产生不同的意义。交际要达到成功,一方面,说话人必须依据一定的标准把他所要强调的部分通过明示的手段表现出来,引导听话人从正确的方向进行推导;另一方面,听话人也必须依据一定的标准来理解话语,即凭借说话人的显映方式进行解码,并将解码得到的证据结合听话人本身的认知语境对话语信息按一定方向进行推理,从而得到一个他所认定的唯一可行的话语理解。关联理论(Sperber&Wilson,1995)将交际看做是一种认知活动,试图从人的认知特点和过程出发,揭示交际规律。
每一种语言都有其语音上的模糊性。这种模糊性往往是由相似或相同的语音所造成的。语音模糊中常见的有谐音(assonance),包括同音同形异义词(perfect homonyms),同音异形异义词(homophones)及同形异音异义词(homo-graphs)。
A group of Friends were having dinner in a Chinese restaurant. They were chatting about their ancestry. One of them said, “I am a German Jew. You are a Russian Jew. I wonder if there are any Chinese Jew? Let’s ask the Chinese waiter.”
He waved the waiter over. “Hey, waiter! Let me ask you a question. Are there any Chinese Jews?”
“Sure,” replied the Chinese waiter courteously. “We got orange juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, etc. What kind do you want?”
在这个幽默中,“Jews”的发音与“juice”相似。侍者错把“Chinese Jews”听成“Chinese juice”,从而产生幽默效果。
In Saudi Arabia for two months, one of my female soldiers hadn’t received a letter from her husband, who was also deployed in the gulf. She was frustrated with the military postal system. Then her husband’s detachment sergeant arrived unexpectedly in our camp and reported to the commander’s tent. “Did you bring Sergeant Guzman’s mail?”I asked.
“I did better than that, sir,” he said. “I brought her male.”
One warm summer morning before breakfast a rich gentleman was walking in the park near his house. Suddenly he saw a man, who
was sitting under a tree. The rich man never met this man before. The man was rather pale and poorly dressed. When the rich gentleman approached him, the man rose and said, “Good morning, sir, a fine day, you come out rather early.”
“Yes, I did”, answered the rich man. “I came out to see if I can get an appetite for my breakfast. But what are you doing here at such an early hour?”
“You see, sir, said the poor man”, “I came out to see if I can get a breakfast for my appetite.”
The speaker was getting tired of being interrupted.
“We seem to have a great many fools here tonight,” he said.
“Wouldn’t it be advisable to hear one at a time?”
“Yes,” said a voice, “get on with your speech.”
“One”是个不定代词,它可以指某人。根据上下文,我们可以把它理解为“one fool”。
Old lady: if you really want work——Farmer Gray wants a right-handed man.
Wanderer: just my luck, lady——I’m left-handed!
“Right-handed man”有两层意思,其一是能帮忙的人,其二就是贯用右手的人。
The farmer whose pig was killed by an automobile was raving mad.
“Don’t worry,” said the motorist, trying to pacify the bereaved owner, “I’ll replace your pig.”
“You can’t,” growled the farmer, “you are not fat enough.”
农夫把“replace”解释成“take the place of”。但是摩托车手理解为赔偿。
A:The police is looking for a man with one eye.
B:Why don’t they use two?
“With one eye”可以被认为是“looking”的修饰语,因此意思就发生了转变。
A farmer wrote to a rural paper to ask, “How long should be milked.”
“Why, the same as short cows, of course,” advised the editor.
在这个幽默当中,“how long”是“be milked’的状语,但同样我们也可以把“how”和“long”分别看成“be milked”和“cow”的修饰语。
A slogan on the outskirts of a small town runs: welcome, speeders! We’re policed to meet you.
My father-in-law, late for a dental appointment, drove at some speed into his dentist’s parking lot, screeched to a halt and dashed inside. The dentist examined his teeth in silence and then remarked, “Well, Mr. Jones, your teeth should last you a life time.” “Are they that good, then?” inquired my father-in-law, pleasantly surprised. “Not at all”, said the dentist. “But I’ve just seen the way you drive.”
“Doctor,” said the sick man, “the other doctors seem to differ from you in their diagnosis of the case.”
“I know,” replied the physician cheerfully, “but the post-mortem will show that I am right.”
Why Fish Are Better Than Women
(1)If you catch a fish you don’t have to worry about it’s mother.
(2)If you’re not in the mood for fish you can have beef.
(3)You can catch fish at any age.
(4)You can keep fish in a live well until you’re ready for them.
(5)If you don’t like what you catch you can throw it back.
(6)Fish don’t care what size your worm is.
(7)You can use the same old line every time to catch a fish.
Questioner:What’s usually used as a conductor of electricity?
Questioner:Correct, wire. Now tell me, what’s the unit of electricity power?
Examinee:The what?
Questioner:That’s absolutely right. The Watt.
1 伍铁平.模糊语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999
2 俞东明.语法歧义和语用模糊对比研究[J].外国语,1997(6)
3 吴家珍.再谈汉语模糊修辞[J].修辞学习,1999(3)
4 黄伟.试析幽默的认知性及社会人际意义[J].外国语言文学,2004(3)
5 王文斌、林波.英语幽默语言的认识语用探究[J].外国语,2003(4)
模糊理论(Fuzzy Logic)是在美国加州大学伯克利分校电气工程系的扎德(L.A.Zadeh)教授于1965年创立的模糊集合理论的数学基础上发展起来的,主要包括模糊集合理论、模糊逻辑、模糊推理和模糊控制等方面的内容。他将人类认知过程中(主要为思考与推理)的不确定性,以数学模式来表示。扎德(L.A.Zadeh)教授在1965年发表了著名的论文,文中首次提出表达事物模糊性的重要概念:隶属函数,从而突破了19世纪末笛卡尔的经典集合理论,奠定模糊理论的基础。此后,模糊理论在自然科学和社会科学领域得到迅速应用和发展。早在20世纪20年代,著名的哲学家和数学家B.Russell就发表了有关“含糊性”的论文。他认为所有的自然语言均是模糊的,比如“红的”和“老的”等概念没有明确的内涵和外延,因而是不明确的和模糊的。可是,在特定的环境中,人们用这些概念来描述某个具体对象时却又能心领神会,很少引起误解和歧义。模糊理论认为,模糊性是客观世界的一种基本属性,它具有概括性、不定性和相对性等特征。自然语言的模糊性是由客观世界的模糊性和人类思维的模糊性决定的。而幽默语言的模糊性也同样体现在这两方面。
著名语言学家Dan Sperber和Deirdre Wilson在他们的著作《关联性:交际与认知》一书中提出了语用学的著名理论:关联理论。这一理论把语言交际看作是一个明示—推理过程。任何语言在不同场合使用,由于语境等因素的不同,很可能会产生不同的意义。交际要达到成功,一方面,说话人必须依据一定的标准把他所要强调的部分通过明示的手段表现出来,引导听话人从正确的方向进行推导;另一方面,听话人也必须依据一定的标准来理解话语,即凭借说话人的显映方式进行解码,并将解码得到的证据结合听话人本身的认知语境对话语信息按一定方向进行推理,从而得到一个他所认定的唯一可行的话语理解。关联理论(Sperber&Wilson,1995)将交际看做是一种认知活动,试图从人的认知特点和过程出发,揭示交际规律。
每一种语言都有其语音上的模糊性。这种模糊性往往是由相似或相同的语音所造成的。语音模糊中常见的有谐音(assonance),包括同音同形异义词(perfect homonyms),同音异形异义词(homophones)及同形异音异义词(homo-graphs)。
A group of Friends were having dinner in a Chinese restaurant. They were chatting about their ancestry. One of them said, “I am a German Jew. You are a Russian Jew. I wonder if there are any Chinese Jew? Let’s ask the Chinese waiter.”
He waved the waiter over. “Hey, waiter! Let me ask you a question. Are there any Chinese Jews?”
“Sure,” replied the Chinese waiter courteously. “We got orange juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, etc. What kind do you want?”
在这个幽默中,“Jews”的发音与“juice”相似。侍者错把“Chinese Jews”听成“Chinese juice”,从而产生幽默效果。
In Saudi Arabia for two months, one of my female soldiers hadn’t received a letter from her husband, who was also deployed in the gulf. She was frustrated with the military postal system. Then her husband’s detachment sergeant arrived unexpectedly in our camp and reported to the commander’s tent. “Did you bring Sergeant Guzman’s mail?”I asked.
“I did better than that, sir,” he said. “I brought her male.”
One warm summer morning before breakfast a rich gentleman was walking in the park near his house. Suddenly he saw a man, who
was sitting under a tree. The rich man never met this man before. The man was rather pale and poorly dressed. When the rich gentleman approached him, the man rose and said, “Good morning, sir, a fine day, you come out rather early.”
“Yes, I did”, answered the rich man. “I came out to see if I can get an appetite for my breakfast. But what are you doing here at such an early hour?”
“You see, sir, said the poor man”, “I came out to see if I can get a breakfast for my appetite.”
The speaker was getting tired of being interrupted.
“We seem to have a great many fools here tonight,” he said.
“Wouldn’t it be advisable to hear one at a time?”
“Yes,” said a voice, “get on with your speech.”
“One”是个不定代词,它可以指某人。根据上下文,我们可以把它理解为“one fool”。
Old lady: if you really want work——Farmer Gray wants a right-handed man.
Wanderer: just my luck, lady——I’m left-handed!
“Right-handed man”有两层意思,其一是能帮忙的人,其二就是贯用右手的人。
The farmer whose pig was killed by an automobile was raving mad.
“Don’t worry,” said the motorist, trying to pacify the bereaved owner, “I’ll replace your pig.”
“You can’t,” growled the farmer, “you are not fat enough.”
农夫把“replace”解释成“take the place of”。但是摩托车手理解为赔偿。
A:The police is looking for a man with one eye.
B:Why don’t they use two?
“With one eye”可以被认为是“looking”的修饰语,因此意思就发生了转变。
A farmer wrote to a rural paper to ask, “How long should be milked.”
“Why, the same as short cows, of course,” advised the editor.
在这个幽默当中,“how long”是“be milked’的状语,但同样我们也可以把“how”和“long”分别看成“be milked”和“cow”的修饰语。
A slogan on the outskirts of a small town runs: welcome, speeders! We’re policed to meet you.
My father-in-law, late for a dental appointment, drove at some speed into his dentist’s parking lot, screeched to a halt and dashed inside. The dentist examined his teeth in silence and then remarked, “Well, Mr. Jones, your teeth should last you a life time.” “Are they that good, then?” inquired my father-in-law, pleasantly surprised. “Not at all”, said the dentist. “But I’ve just seen the way you drive.”
“Doctor,” said the sick man, “the other doctors seem to differ from you in their diagnosis of the case.”
“I know,” replied the physician cheerfully, “but the post-mortem will show that I am right.”
Why Fish Are Better Than Women
(1)If you catch a fish you don’t have to worry about it’s mother.
(2)If you’re not in the mood for fish you can have beef.
(3)You can catch fish at any age.
(4)You can keep fish in a live well until you’re ready for them.
(5)If you don’t like what you catch you can throw it back.
(6)Fish don’t care what size your worm is.
(7)You can use the same old line every time to catch a fish.
Questioner:What’s usually used as a conductor of electricity?
Questioner:Correct, wire. Now tell me, what’s the unit of electricity power?
Examinee:The what?
Questioner:That’s absolutely right. The Watt.
1 伍铁平.模糊语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999
2 俞东明.语法歧义和语用模糊对比研究[J].外国语,1997(6)
3 吴家珍.再谈汉语模糊修辞[J].修辞学习,1999(3)
4 黄伟.试析幽默的认知性及社会人际意义[J].外国语言文学,2004(3)
5 王文斌、林波.英语幽默语言的认识语用探究[J].外国语,2003(4)