
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzalpha
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目的探讨高血压糖尿病管治模式。方法依据宝安区人民政府制订的《宝安区高血压糖尿病10年防治规划》,建立宝安区慢性病防治院、街道办事处卫生防保所和社区健康服务中心三级防治网,进行高血压糖尿病普查。成年的居民每年测1次血压和血糖,确诊的病例书写大病历,在社区实行终生管治,每月至少1次诊治病人或访视病人。结果较因症就诊多发现一半病例,有别于因症就诊只治不管和只治不进行综合防治的旧模式,有别于没有三级防治网,只在社区管治的国外模式。结论宝安区高血压糖尿病综合管治模式具有先进性与可操作性。 Objective To investigate the mode of hypertension diabetes management. Methods According to “Bao’an District 10 years of prevention and treatment of hypertension diabetes prevention and treatment planning” formulated by the People’s Government of Bao’an District, Bao’an District Chronic Diseases Prevention and Treatment Center, the Sub-district Office of Health Protection and Community Health Service Center three prevention and control network for hypertension diabetes screening. Adult inhabitants measure blood pressure and blood sugar once a year. The confirmed cases are written with large medical records and are administered for life in the community. Patients are treated or visited at least once a month. The results showed that more than half of the patients were diagnosed due to illness and were different from the old model of treating patients without treatment and only without comprehensive prevention and treatment. Conclusion The comprehensive management of hypertension in Bao’an District is advanced and feasible.
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