非常感谢,感谢大会的主席,尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们,我感到非常地荣幸,今天能够参加我们201 3中国道路交通安全论坛,我想感谢论坛的主办方能够邀请我,使我有这样的一个机会,在这里跟大家分享。代表我们全球道路安全伙伴关系,今天我想给大家作这样的一个报告,我觉得我们这个主题是合逢其时的,因为道路安全确实是我们大家共同的责任,而且从今天的几位发言人的演讲当中,我们已经
Thank you very much, thank you for your congratulations, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and I am very honored to be able to join us today. I would like to thank the organizers of the forum for inviting me to make me Have such a chance to share with you here. On behalf of our global road safety partnership, I would like to give you such a report today. I think it is fitting that we are the subject at this juncture because road safety is indeed the common responsibility of all of us. And from today’s spokespersons In the speech, we have already