ARAM·ARIES SPM-Lite便携式遥测地震数据采集系统是加拿大GEO-X公司在2002年下半年推出的全新小型便携式地震数据采集系统。该仪器运用了当今最先进的计算机制造技术、网络化技术和微电子技术,除继承了ARAM-ARIES地震数据采集系统所有功能和技术外,它还简化了硬件结构,使体积更小,重量更轻,功能性更强。更加适应地矿、煤田、丛林和山区进行地震勘探。
ARAM · ARIES SPM-Lite portable telemetry seismic data acquisition system is GEO-X Canada in late 2002 launched a new small portable seismic data acquisition system. The instrument uses today’s most advanced computer manufacturing technology, networking technology and microelectronic technology, in addition to inherit the ARAM-ARIES seismic data acquisition system, all the features and technology, it also simplifies the hardware structure, so that the smaller, more weight Light, more functional. More adapted to the mine, coal fields, jungles and mountains for seismic exploration.