第七章重庆岁月 1943年底。茅盾夫妇从桂林到达抗战大后方——重庆。去重庆是茅盾权衡再三才做出决定的。这之前,蒋介石派遣特使刘百闵来桂林再三请一些文化名人去重庆。茅盾考虑老蒋还无意举屠刀,他只是想把这些人控制起来,便决定去重庆。因为到了重庆还可以国民党的政治文化工作人员身份活动,中共办事处和周恩来同志又近在咫尺,还有郭沫若、老舍、阳翰笙等一大批朋友在那里坚持工作,去了可以配合他们。相反,留在桂林,他们倒可以采用秘密绑架的手段,甚至“就地处置”,然后对外谎称不听“蒋委员长的劝告”,以至中央无法保护而遭到厄运。
Chapter VII of Chongqing in late 1943. Mao Dun couple arrived from the rear of Guinness - Chongqing. Going to Chongqing is Mao Dun’s tradeoff decision. Prior to this, Chiang Kai-shek sent his special envoy Liu Bai-min to Guilin to invite some cultural celebrities to Chongqing again and again. When Mao Dun considered Chiang Kai-shek had no intention of slaughtering the knife, he just wanted to control these people and decided to go to Chongqing. Because to Chongqing can also KMT political and cultural staff activities, the CPC office and Comrade Zhou Enlai in close proximity, as well as Guo Moruo, Lao She, Yang Hansheng and a large number of friends there to work, go to be able to cooperate with them. Instead, they left behind in Guilin and could resort to secret kidnappings or even “disposing of them in their places.” They then lied to the outside that they did not listen to the “advice of the Generalissimo” and even suffered misfortune as the Central Government failed to protect it.