盛夏的酷暑让我们开始梦寐秋天。 2002—2003秋冬的FURLA闪亮登场。 THE AGE OF INNOCENCE主题深受80年代影响,浓艳大胆的色彩成为创作的原动力。圆形、方块、圆柱等等几何图形充满建筑美感。其中,TRIBECA系列以其不规则四方形和多种色彩组合成为代表。 TECHNO COUTURE主题的设计抢眼而不乏品味。皮包内不经意的暗褶更增加了质感,同时强烈衬托出鲜亮色块的对比和反差。低跟鞋设计轻便而都市感十足。 VINTAGE CHIC主题皮包质地柔软,小巧精致,处处弥漫着旧日情怀。
Midsummer summer let us start dreaming fall. FURLA 2002-2003 autumn and winter debut. THE AGE OF INNOCENCE The subject was deeply influenced by the 80s, rich and bold color as the driving force behind the creation. Geometric shapes such as circles, squares, cylinders, etc. are full of architectural aesthetics. Which, TRIBECA series with its irregular square and a variety of colors to represent. TECHNO COUTURE theme of the eye-catching design and lack of taste. Bag inadvertently increase the texture of dark folds, while strongly bring out the contrast and contrast of bright color. Low-heeled shoes design lightweight and full of urban sense. VINTAGE CHIC theme bag texture soft, compact, filled with old feelings everywhere.