【摘 要】
From a small Tibetan village to a faraway African island,Chinese tea knows no boundaries ON the sunny shores of Mauritius,against the island’s jade-like sea an
From a small Tibetan village to a faraway African island,Chinese tea knows no boundaries ON the sunny shores of Mauritius,against the island’s jade-like sea and blue sky,a unique scene is taking place.In a bright-red Chinese traditional silk dress,a young woman delights her guests by performing an elaborate
From a small Tibetan village to a faraway African island, Chinese tea knows no boundaries ON the sunny shores of Mauritius, against the island’s jade-like sea and blue sky, a unique scene is taking place. In a bright-red Chinese traditional silk dress , a young woman delights her guests by performing an elaborate
[摘要]针对学生害怕老师,甚至是反感等现象,使师生之间的距离越来越远,结合自己的实践,主要从微笑对待学生,耐心倾听学生讲话,无限关爱学生三个方面,谈谈如何开启学生心灵之门,使学生能与老师亲如一家。 [关键词]微笑 倾听 关爱 [中图分类号]G451.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2012)06-0150-01 有一则寓言:钥匙来了,它瘦小的身子钻进了锁孔,大锁“啪
China’s economically stagnant northeast’s partnership with more developed regions will aid its revival CHINA’S northeastern region is set for a make-over.Lon
[摘要]小学阶段的学生在此期间接受什么样的教育,受到什么样的影响,对学生成长尤为重要。在小学阶段对学生身心影响最大的莫过于班主任老师。所以本文对如何做一名给学生正确引导,影响学生一生的班主任老师进行简要地分析。 [关键词]班主任 自身素质 爱心 赏识 包容 [中图分类号]G620 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2012)06-0151-01 在小学阶段不仅是学生长身体
股东投票成本的非均匀分布和集体决策上的多数票规则 ,激励了中小股东的“搭便车”行为 ,从而使大股东和公司高层管理人员获取了因信息不对称而产生的巨大信息租。本文研究表