在香港举办的“2010年杰出亚洲艺术奖”(Sovereign Asian Art Prize)3月18日揭晓,斯里兰卡艺术家Pala Pothupitiya获得此项大奖,入围的30位艺术家中中国大陆的三位艺术家均来自上海,其中两位:朱锋、杨泳樑均以影像艺术作品入围该奖。该奖已举办七年,本届评审团由中央美术学院副院长徐冰,第17届悉尼双年展艺术总监大卫·艾略特(David Elliot)等六名评委组成,负责从参展的30位决选艺术家当中选出最后的优胜者。
The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2010, announced in Hong Kong, was announced on March 18th by Sri Lankan artist Pala Pothupitiya. The three finalists of the 30 artists in mainland China were from Shanghai , Two of them: Zhu Feng, Yang Yongliang were nominated for the prize of video art works. The award has been held for seven years. The jury consists of six judges, including Xu Bing, vice president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and David Elliot, artistic director of the 17th Sydney Biennale. 30 finalists selected the final winner.